
Maria M. Fedorova

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science (Philosophy)

Academic rank: -

Country: Russia

City: Moscow

Organization: RAS Institute of Philosophy

Position: Head of the Department of History of Political Philosophy

Head of the Department of History of Political thought, Institute of politics, State Academic University for the Humanities. Lecturer of the State Academic University for the Humanities

Major works:

More than 70 publications. Metamorphoses of the Enlightenment of the political philosophy in France in the epoch of bourgeois revolutions. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2005; Classical political philosophy. Moscow, "The whole world", 2001; The series of articles on the history of political thought of the XIX century in France. New Philosophical Encyclopedia, Vol. I-IV. Moscow, The Thought, 2001; Classic French liberalism. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2000; Modernism and anti-modernism in French political thought of the XIX century. Moscow, IPhRAS, 1997; The political as a problem. Essays on the political philosophy of the XX century (editor) - Moscow: Idea Press, 2009; Translations: Dekomb V. Modern French Philosophy. Moscow, "The whole world", 2000; A. de Tocqueville "The old order and the Revolution". Moscow, 1997, and etc.