Marina F. Bykova
Scientific degree: Doctop of Science (Philosophy)
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Unated States of Amerika
City: Raleigh
Organization: North Carolina State University
Position: Full Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion
Editor-in-chief of Russian Studies in Philosophy (since Jan. 2008)
(Routledge Publisher (since 2015), M.E.Sharpe Publisher (until 2014))
Foreign Expert of the Russian National Foundation of Humanity
Editorial Board Member of the History of Philosophy Yearbook (Russia)
Editorial Board Member of the journal History of Philosophy (Russia)
Foreign Expert of the periodical publications in philosophy of the Higher Attestation Commission (Russia)
Major works:
1. Books Authored:
The Mysteries of Logic and the Secret of Subjectivity. Moscow: Nauka, 1996. 238 pp.
Absolute Idea and Absolute Spirit in Hegel's Philosophy (with co-author). Moscow: Nauka, 1993. 271 pp.
Hegel's Interpretation of Thinking. Moscow: Nauka, 1990. 125 pp.
2. 1. Books Edited:
Essence, Appearance, and Phenomena. The Festschrift for Nelly V. Motroshilova (co-editor with M. Solopova), Phenomenology- Hermeneutics Publisher, Moscow, 2009
Hegel G.W.F. Phenomenology of Spirit. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 495 pp. Editor, author of introductory article, commentaries, and index.
3. Other Research Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Nikolai Karamzin and European Humanism,” Nikolai M. Karamzin and the Historical Paths of Russia, Moscow: Akvilon, 2016, pp. 88-114 (in Russian).
“Fichte’s Nationalist Rhetoric and the Project of Human Bildung,” Daniel Breazeale, Tom Rockmore (eds.), New Essays on Fichte’s Addresses to the German Nation, SUNY, 2016, p. 133-151.
“What is wrong with the divine interpretation of Geist in Hegel?” Studies in East European Thought, 2016, vol. 68, pp. 181–192.
“Morality in Politics: the Moral Framework in Kant’s Political Philosophy and Contemporary Europe,” Wilfried Grießer (Hrsg.), Die Philosophie und Europa. Zur Kategoriengeschichte der "europäischen Einigung", Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015, p. 43-66.
“On the Philosophical Relevance of Marx’s Views Today,” Frontiers in Philosophy in China, Volume 9 (2014), Issue 3, p. 370-380.
“On the Scientific Status of the History of Philosophy and Its Interrelation with Philosophy,” The History of Philosophy: Challenges of the 21st Century, Moscow: Kanon+,, 2014, pp. 114-121 (in Russian)
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