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Petrov, Nataša Nagorni
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Music, Faculty of Arts оf Niš, University of Niš, 10 Kneginje Ljubice, Niš, 18000, Serbia
Petrov, Alexandr V.
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, 7 Komarov Ave., Omsk, 644092, Russia
Petrova, Ekaterina V.
PhD in Philosophy, Leading Researcher,
Sector of Philosophy of Natural Sciences,
Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
12, building 1 Goncharnaya St., Moscow, 109240, ...
Petrović, Jasmina S.
PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, 2 Ćirila i Metodija St., Niš, 18000, Serbia.
Petrunin, Vladimir V.
PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Religious Studies and Cultural Aspects of National Security, Orel State University, 95 Komsomolskaya St., Orel, 302026, Russia
Podlednov, Denis D.
Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Higher School of Economics University, 38 Studencheskaya St., Perm, 614070, Russia
PhD Student, Institute of Philosophy, Saint-Petersburg State University, 5 Mendeleyevskaya Line, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, ...
Pokrovskaya, Tatyana Yu.
PhD Student of the Department of Theology, Moscow State Linguistic University, bld.1, 38 Ostozhenka St. Moscow, 119034
Polosaev, Nikolay A.
Teacher of the Department of Orchestral Instruments, Gubkin Affiliate of Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, 4 Pobedy St., Gubkin city, Belgorod region, 309186, Russia
Polukhin, Oleg N.
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
Belgorod State National Research University
85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Polyanskaya, Ekaterina V.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Communications, National Research Tomsk State University,36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation