
Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022 PDF

Historical types of social communication

The article examines the historical types of social communication. Realizing the general scientific principle of historicism, it is possible to determine the correlates of these types with the philosophical concepts ...

Religious and cultural motivation behind geographical discoveries of the New Time: the voyages of Christopher Columbus

The article deals with the issue of religious and cultural grounding of geographical discoveries of the New Time on the example of the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Columbus and the ...

The concept of interreligious dialogue in academic and socio-political space: some current problems of interpretation

Experts agree that the term "interreligious dialogue" is ambiguous and can be understood in very different ways, which often leads to confusion. The purpose of the article is to clarify ...

The idea of autonomy in the context of late capitalism

The article analyzes philosophical implications of the idea of autonomy in the context of late capitalism. The author shows that the widespread understanding of autonomy is often derived from the ...

The specifics of digital activity and acceptable scenarios of political behavior of Russian youth: value-ideological orientations and geographical differentiation

The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the political behavior of Russian youth between the ages of 15 and 24. In the context of digital activity, ...

Childhood as an object of interdisciplinary research

The article focuses on the epistemological problems encountered in the 20th century by researchers of childhood as a special cultural and psychological phenomenon. The peculiarity of childhood as an object ...

Soviet children in journalistic prose by Gianni Rodari

The author analyzes the fate of the work of G. Rodari in the USSR. The original texts and translations into Russian of the works of the Italian writer, in particular, made ...

Gianni Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”: an adult reading and the relevance of today

The article reveals the new relevance of the classic children's text "The Adventures of Cipollino" by Gianni Rodari. This text was a great success in our country, but now it ...

Linguopragmatic and linguocultural aspects of a children's folklore text

The article is devoted to studying the language of the children’s folklore texts from a linguapragmatism and linguaculturology standpoints. Research attention is focused on the dominant genre of children's folklore ...

Religious memory of the peasantry in the 1930s in the villages of the Black Earth Region of Russia

In the article, on the basis of the first decrees of the Soviet government, is analyzed the level of religiosity of the peasant class after the Bolsheviks introduced bans on religious ...

Diversity of rationalities: a philosophical and practical turn

The article discusses the existing variety of interpretations of rationality, formed by refracting of the concept of "rationality" through the prism of many special approaches. The analysis is carried out ...

On the concept of homeland (some methodological reflections)

An analysis of the existing definitions of the category "homeland" allows us to state that they contain significant gaps and do not allow us to adequately comprehend its content and ...

Historical and cultural memory as a condition for preserving national identity

The article is devoted to the concept of memory as a historical, philosophical and cultural phenomenon that ensures the continuity of the cultural heritage of human society, its perception, understanding ...

The right to modernity: about the book of M. David-Fox «Crossing Borders: Modernity, Ideology, and Culture in Russia and the Soviet Union»

The specificity of Russian and Soviet modernity continues to attract the attention of leading foreign researchers. A number of scholars, building on Eisenstadt's productive ideas, have been further developing a ...

Healthy lifestyle blogging as a factor in student nutritional programming

The most vulnerable category in relation to the influence of Internet technologies on the formation of both the system of values and guidelines in nutrition is young people who in ...