Volume 2, Issue №3, 2016
When the Second Balkan War broke out in 1913, the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Bulgaria broke off diplomatic relations. Owing to the conflicting military and political interests, ...
Pleasure experienced in humour is not simply reinforcement due to performing a reaction followed by drive reduction. Gratification in humour is, primarily, in not performing a reaction that is not ...
The significance of the essays’ theme is connected with the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belgorod State National Research University in 2016 and with the lack of systematic research ...
The article gives the summarized author’s personal experience of teaching non-core comprehensive disciplines (philosophical, ethical, and economic), based on the conception of activity learning and thinking concepts as it developed ...
The article presents a brief analysis of the historical views of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Strakhov. These views made an integrated system and were reflected in a series of N. ...
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