The cognitive potential of fantasy in the 1985-2000s
Volume 10, Issue №4, 2024
The author approaches the consideration of issues of cognition and cognitive potential by referring to the phenomenon of fantasy in a specific period with characteristic features and problems both in ...
The article focuses on latent requirements (semantic nuances) for mental technologies that ensure success in key groups of disciplines of the modern educational system. The methodological basis of the study ...
Literary estate and dacha as a special type of artistic space
Volume 10, Issue №4, 2024
The article examines the progress and results of studying the historical dynamics of the image of the estate and dacha in classical literature, works of the Silver Age, Soviet prose, ...
Environmental challenges of our time and information policy
Volume 10, Issue №4, 2024
Information policy is considered in the context of its analysis of modern environmental challenges. The traditional approaches explaining these challenges by insufficient financial provision of the environmental sphere, weakening of ...
The article presents a retrospective review of the Readings in Memory of N.N. Strakhov - an event that has become a landmark in Russian intellectual culture. Thanks to the research ...
The review reflects on the manifestations of reflexivity and perspective in Yuka Hui's books published in Russian. The books of the popular author have interested the Russian and international philosophical ...
The ideological status of fantasy: historical and philosophical aspect
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
Worldview Status of Fantasy: Historical and Philosophical Aspect The author examines the influence of the phenomenon of fantasy on individuals and society through the lens of its historical emergence ...
Existential meanings of education and science
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
Realization of educational process not just attracts to itself various human motives. Essence of education – implementation of initial existential motivation. The analysis of cultural history shows existence of the ...
Reception of the Ideas of Blaise Pascal in the Philosophy of Lev Shestov
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
L.I. Shestov and B. Pascal are extremely popular both in our country and in the West. The philosophical ideas of L. Shestov and B. Pascal often overlap despite the different epochs of ...
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
The article examines the socio-literary phenomenon of “auto-fiction” as a continuous process, the study of which requires systematization of existing research and a more careful study of those which are ...
One of the most apparent specific parameters of the modern socio-cultural situation is its obvious transgressive nature. In modern humanitarian science, within the framework of the concept of "transgression" it ...
The article examines the phenomenon of Viennese coffee houses, for which the Austrian capital is famous. A brief excursion into the history of the emergence of the first coffee houses ...
The article is devoted to the influence of philosophical and theoretical ideas of the scientific direction of Russian cosmism on their transformation into a scientific and practical plane – the creation ...
This article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of evolutionary and ecological thinking. The conceptual development of such thinking is a crucial direction in ...
The article examines the function of the artist as a creator of the collected articles’ structure, the latter being understood as a special form of Rozanov’s creative mind representation. The ...
The relevance of this article is justified by understanding the theory of modernization of modern Chinese music, which is initially focused on the preservation of traditional cultural values. Discussing the ...
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and dynamics of the development of theatrical amateur art in Russia. The task is to identify the institutional specifics of amateur theatrical ...
The article presents the experience of comparing A.S. Pushkin's The Tale of Tsar Saltan and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera written after Pushkin's fairy tale based on the libretto by V.I. Belsky. It is substantiated ...
The article gives a brief overview of the first two volumes of the work of the German philosopher Eric Voegelin “Order and History”. The relevance of the concept of “order” ...
The article discusses the definition, basic properties and criteria, scientific and philosophical foundations of the concept of evolutionary and ecological thinking, its relevance in the conditions of modern information and ...
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