“The Research Result Journal. Social Studies and Humanities” arranged a “round table” “Ad memoriam: the heritage of Nikolai Strakhov in the intellectual history of the XIX-XXI centuries”. The participants undertook an analysis of modern hermeneutic strategies for the study of thinking and personality of N. Strakhov (1828-1896) as a clearly rational and dialogic Russian thinker of the XIX century. There were specified some methodological aspects in the cognitive reconstruction of the heritage of that philosopher as well as a natural scientist, literary critic and editor, translator, etc. – in the perspective of actualization of the intellectual history of Russia in the XXI century connected with regional biographical research, museum and bibliographic design of places of historical memory in the homeland of the thinker (in the historical, cultural and educational space of Belgorod).
Keywords: Nikolai Strakhov,
intellectual history,
hermeneutics and epistemology of historical knowledge,
reconstruction of cognitive heritage,
historical memory,
regional biographical research,
museum and bibliographic design.
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