10.18413 /2408-932X-2015-1-3-8-17
The idea of advanced education, corresponding to the modern technotronic community of risks, reflects the position of the teacher and students in the understanding (cognition) of the world and themselves in the world. In this connection, the great importance is acquired by learning, practical understanding of philosophy of dialogue that can be seen as a paradigm of modern education. The article analyzes the modern concept of education as education for life, the basic principles of which are approved by the Bologna Declaration (1993) and are recommended for reforms in the systems of education in the world. The study examines the philosophy of dialogue of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973), a German-American philosopher, scientist, educator, and theologian. His concept of dialogical thinking as "verbal thinking" compared with other thinkers such as M. Buber, F. Rosenzweig, M. Bakhtin, S. Frank, remains understudied in national philosophy and science.
The dialogical method developed by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy considers education "as a great model of life taking place in time", and here advanced consciousness acts as a driving force. Readiness for the new, the need for this new is a challenge for many of today's learners. "Grammatical method" (dialogic) of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy which is expressed in "verbal thinking" as the unity of four orientations of speech- imperative, subjective, trajectory and analytical (objective) acts as methodology and methods of teaching and development of the individual. In this age and historical sequence the person and the human community are formed in the dialogue area from "You" and "I" to "We" and "They".
Keywords: dialog,
philosophy of dialogue,
continuing education,
advanced consciousness,
"live knowledge",
"verbal thinking".
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