10.18413 /2408-932X-2015-1-2-39-46
In modern Russia, which is in the situation of self-determination and strategic guidelines choice, the problem of historical memory has acquired the special significance. The awareness of continuous (attribute) relation with culture and memory is kept current by the question of what are the ways and specific forms of its existence.
The given article reflects the problem of scientific research. The aim is to identify the existential status of the family, its role in maintaining and transmissing of cultural memory in different ranges: the family – clan – nation – Motherland.
The study integrates various social and human cognitive practices, applies modern methodological principles and approaches which are developed in the framework of philosophy of culture, cultural sociology, visual anthropology, hermeneutics, semiotics. The author pays considerable attention to the religious and philosophical traditions of the second half of XIX - early XX centuries.
The identity of portrait eventness is associated with dialogic identity of the person in the "long time of culture," personal knowledge which is in the historical memory of the family, clan or nation. The existential portrait contours as a cultural event may be represented by the social and historical categorical forms. The concept of family and family related concepts such as "patrofication" (Nikolai Fedorov), "face", " clan entelechy", " race "," nobility "," sonship "(Pavel Florensky) are the most promising.
Keywords: family portrait,
generations interaction,
historical memory.
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