10.18413 /2408-932X-2015-1-1-64-72
To study the representation of scientific literature on incunabula on the Internet the authors test the terms «incunabula», «incunabulum», «incunabula" and their derivatives in the Google Scholar and Google Books Search Engines using the 50-year intervals and the status the books were posted in these intervals: full text, preview, snippet view, no preview. The authors give a brief review of literature of different statuses.
A systematic search in Google Books made it possible to identify the incunabula catalogues of classical universities of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Kazan, Saratov, Tomsk, Kharkov and Lvov. The first two of them can be found in the public domain. It implies the relevance of making the "Consolidated electronic catalogue of incunabula research libraries of post-Soviet universities." Drawing on the example of Kharkov incunabula of Albert the Great «De animalibus» (Mantue, 1479) it is shown the possibility of submitting a specific analysis of incunabula in major traditional and electronic catalogues.
Keywords: incunabula,
open access,
the Internet,
Google Scholar,
Google Books,
Number of views: 5702 (view statistics)
Количество скачиваний: 8296
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