10.18413 /2408-932X-2014-1-2-52-62
The purpose of this study is the identification and description of inertial, i.e. independent of the presence of a man and external, objective and non-inertial (powerful), i.e. subjective, changeable, symbolic, mythopoetic signs of suburban areas located 0-90 km to the North of the borders of modern Petersburg. These areas are filled with powerful symbolic markers (the style of architectural structures and legends associated with these buildings, the fates of the owners and architects etc.) that form something special in cultural and historical aspects of the so called metaspace. The suburban landscapes of the Northern environs of St. Petersburg tell us about the culture of the wealthy strata of the population of the capital of Russia in the late XIX – early XX centuries.
The information about the features of the country landscapes of the Northern environs of St. Petersburg presented in the article was studied with the methods of the semiotic and axiological analysis. The obtained analysis data show the following: due to the effects of complex inertial and non-inertial factors the country landscapes as metaspace phenomena are now the integrators of unique stators of the Russian history of the late XIX – early ХХ centuries; today, most of these landscapes are in a deplorable state of desolation and ruin; provided adequate control by the public, these landscapes and landmarks can become the sites of national property of Russia.
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