The article on the basis of a rich documentary material shows local history and publishing activities of statistical committees, the publication of articles of scientific and local history nature, the involvement of intellectuals, scientists, travelers to the statistical service. The relevance of this topic of the article is determined by the need to systematize and summarize the available data on a new conceptual and methodological basis, a comparative analysis of concepts and scientific views on this problem. Of particular importance for national history is the study of the history of statistical committees not only as state institutions, the order of action of which was regulated by the legislative bodies of the empire, but also as scientific and as local history centers of the regions of Turkestan. So, the statistical science of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Achieved significant success in its development. In Turkestan, statisticians conducted several unique statistical works that served as the basis for the subsequent development of statistical practice and the formation of a local statistical service. The most important of these works are a topographical description of the regions, including descriptions of individual regions of the country with their historical, geographical, administrative and economic characteristics. For the activities of the statistical service of the Turkestan region was characterized by a variety of forms and method of work, the choice of which was due to specific needs, objectives and development of the statistical system.
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