This essay examines the interrelationship of holiness and spiritual eldership, two phenomena of exceeding importance in the Orthodox Church. The essay focuses on the philosophical-theological teaching of Fr. Pavel Florensky, who regards the freedom of the holy person as the truest expression of the spiritual life. For Florensky, spiritual love is the foundation of this freedom.
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Florensky, P. A. (2017a), “Iconostasis (1919-1922)”, Istoriya I filosofiya iskusstva [History and philosophy of art], Akademichesky proekt, Moscow, Russia, 9-118 (in Russ.).
Florensky, P. A. (2018), “The Salt of the Earth”, Bogoslovskie Trudy [Theological works: 1902–1909], St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia, 427-495 (in Russ.).
Florensky, P. A. (2017b), Stolp I utverzhdenie istiny. Opit pravoslavnoy teoditsei v dvenadtsati pis’makh [The pillar and ground of the truth. The experience of the Orthodox theodicy in twelve letters], Akademichesky proekt, Moscow, Russia (in Russ.).
Florensky, P. A. (2017c), “The Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Russia (1919-1922)”, Istoriya I filosofiya iskusstva [History and philosophy of art], Akademichesky proekt, Moscow, Russia, 130-144 (in Russ.).