The Russian edition of Theatrical Anthropology by E. Barba and N. Savarese almost a decade ago appeared in the philosophical space of Russian culture. The close anniversary is quite correlated with another remarkable date, the fortieth anniversary of the International School of Theater Anthropology, founded by E. Barba. The jubilee notes are devoted to current interdisciplinary semantic structures and dominants of the encyclopedic publication as a kind of practical philosophy of theatrical action. The analysis of “Theater Anthropology” clarifies the boundaries or the threshold senses of real and effective manifestations of acting, in a wide range of theatrical practices. The concept of the stage body allows to point to the special bodily freedom of acting, or the simplest connections of the body in their correlation with the ineradicable freedom of the stage situation. It seems important to pay attention to the “psychophysical apparatus” of “becoming performer” of Barba’s anthropological performance; the quite refined forms of body-entertainment art proposed in “Theater Anthropology” seems allow not only to recognize any visual perceptions of stage behavior but to express a deep ontological dignity of theatrical action.
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