The article focuses on the cult of the horse, a people's outlook about these fascinating creatures, which is one of the foundations of faith among the population. At the same time, the emphasis is on the results of field materials which the author collected and analyzed. Horse among domestic animals has a special place and the syncretic concept of horses has spread very widely. It indicates the exact data among horse breeders which is very important to determine the role of the horse in the beliefs and rituals of the Uzbeks of the Fergana Valley. You can get acquainted with the latest field materials which are first discussed after several years. Among them are folk games associated with horses and folk beliefs and omens, as well as the symbolic meaning of the color of horses. The data at the beginning of the 20th century is compared with the latest information. The conclusion about the worldviews of the inhabitants of the Fergana Valley about horses and the mythology of horses is given.
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