This article is a review of the work of famous Russian historian Mikhail Krom, "The birth of the state: the Moscow Rus of 15-16th centuries", published in 2018 by "The New Literary Review" Publishing House. This book is written in the popular scientific style and is devoted to the problems of the formation and subsequent development of the early modern Russian state. The author of “The Birth of the State” considers these problems in a broad historical and geographical context. As a result of the analysis of the main aspects of state building in Russia in this era, M. Krom comes to the conclusion that the Russian state of the early New Age was developing in the same direction with its West European neighbors. However, this development retained certain differences. They were due to regional characteristics. The author supports the conclusions of the author of the book and emphasizes its innovative character. However, he draws attention to a number of controversial and debatable places in it.
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