DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2019-5-3-0-8

LAGOLOVO: THE LIFE WORLD OF ST.-PETERSBURG SUBURB. Reflections on the book of E.A. Okladnikova “The social history of the Lagolovo poultry farm through the eyes of local residents” (St. Petersburg: Lesnik-Print, 2019. 454 p.)

The monograph published this year by the professor of the Department of Sociology, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, Doctor of Historical Sciences E.A. Okladnikova, is dedicated to the social history of one of the typical phenomena of the sociocultural history of the Soviet period of our country − the main production complex of one of the agricultural towns of the Leningrad region, the Lagolovo poultry farm. This is a study on the ethnography of the Soviet period, based on extensive material from ethno-archaeological sources on the history of the region and documentary evidence on the "personal history" of the great workers who built this poultry farm, worked in its workshops, fed the country completing the construction of socialism. Through the prism of a qualitative sociological analysis, the author of the monograph sought to discern the meanings of the "life world" of the builders of socialism, the bearers of the ideals of social optimism, now lost by their descendants. The history of the Lagolovo poultry farm is presented in a monograph in event unity with the history of self-knowledge and self-awareness of a person of the Soviet era. Due to the fact that the history of self-awareness of a person of the Soviet era has not yet been written, the monograph by E.A. Okladnikova is a treasured contribution to this matter of the future.

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