DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2019-5-4-0-1


In this article, we draw a conceptual distinction between the concept of society, connecting it primarily with special interests and the corresponding type of interaction. In the narrow sense, we can talk about socialization where there is an experience of depersonalization of interpersonal interaction, as if it were not based on personal – either individual or collective actors – but apersonal "forces". In this case, the totality of all the interests of the charged forces should build a singular social field, that is, concentrate in it. The society, in the Tönniesean sense, was born with the emergence of disagreements on basic normative questions, which are up to this point, in general, were “solved” through an unproductive and undeniable consensus on a joint "truth" that binds and obligates all its representatives. The separation of the public from the private is the accompanying effect of the dissociation of community, which also manifests itself as individualism – firstly as the way of life, and then as ideology. This initial separation of individuals and groups in relation to their interests also gives rise to a divergence of their respective worldviews. The existence of a permanent disagreement regarding socially significant issues is becoming typical of the social situation.

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