DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2020-6-1-0-1

Literature and emptiness: the strategies of destructiveness in Russian literature of the Silver Age

The article deals with the main variants of destructive strategies implemented by the Russian literature of the 19-20th centuries in relation to the reader's consciousness in particular and national culture in general. Methodologically, the article is based on interdisciplinary connections between philosophy, cultural studies and literary studies, using the theories of perceiving consciousness and the impact on it of external, in this case literary and artistic, factors, mental presentation of the inner sphere of human consciousness, as well as using the basic concepts of ontology of destructiveness. The result of the research work is the identification of the main mechanisms of destructiveness, manifested when exposed to the reader's consciousness in the process of perception of fiction, chronologically due to the framework of the Silver Age. Application of the research results is possible in the construction of theoretical and methodological models of reader's consciousness, as well as to create effective mechanisms to counter destructive trends in the field of verbal and artistic culture. As conclusions it is possible to define a disguise of the leading strategies directed on destruction of the system of values developed by this period. These strategies include the strategy for the devastation of the reader's consciousness of information, the destruction of the reader's self, knocking down the appropriate "setting" of the verbal-artistic consciousness, cultivation of ideological explosion, the strategy of stupor, shocked the world and others. It is the implementation of these destructive strategies that can be considered as one of the causes of the cultural catastrophe that occurred in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

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