Dialogic structure of the European cultural tradition
The article explores the dialogic structure of the European cultural tradition. It is shown that the self-consciousness of European civilization traditionally tends to monologue, which is due to its actively colonizing attitude to the rest of the world. However, in modern conditions, the mutual openness of different civilizational regions of the world needs to actualize the dialogical potential of Europe in order to realize its most important cultural mission – bringing Christian values to the globalized world. Initially, European culture is characterized by an essential internal dialogism, due to its “genotype”, which “intersect” the biblical and ancient components, as well as the individualism of Modern times. The modern dominant is the need for a dialogue of different content levels of this tradition in order to reproduce a common “genotype” (traditionalist and individualist). Internal reflexivity and universalism as essential characteristics of European culture allow it to act as a mediator in the global dialogue of civilizations of the modern world, but now the opposite process is happening-globalization as unification.
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