DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2020-6-1-0-6

Diary as a practice of cultural-historical reflection (initiatives of A.V. Nikitenko)

Currently, there is a growing attention of the scientific world to the study of autobiographical genres. This interest is due to the fact that autobiographies allow the researcher to study a person's self-consciousness through evidence about themselves without intermediaries in different aspects of the humanities, using different approaches and methods. The great value of the diary of a Professor of St. Petersburg University, a full member of the Academy of Sciences, censor Alexander V. Nikitenko as a source of historical information has long been recognized. In the 2000-s scientists began to study it from literary positions, recognizing that the historiographical approach to the diary of Nikitenko was insufficient. But the cultural and philosophical approach to this personal document has not yet been found. The study presented in the article used comparative-historical, historical-cultural, hermeneutic and ontological approaches and methods. The diary of Alexander Nikitenko occupies a special position among the vast body of Russian diary literature. Nikitenko's diary is an extensive cultural and historical reflection on the social life of the 19th century and understanding of its place in this life. The reflection of the inner life does not go beyond the doctrine indicated by the author himself and is a reflection of his own reactions and attitudes to the same social life.

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