Discourse field of foreign policy agenda in the Belarusian segment of social media: technological aspect
This work is devoted to the analysis of technologies for the formation of foreign policy agenda of citizens of the Republic of Belarus. In the course of the study, we investigated theories and concepts that explain the role and place of modern Internet communications in the political sphere of society, analyzed approaches to understanding the “agenda” and the process of its development. In addition, the theoretical aspects of social media communication have been investigated, which have become the basis for our methodological base. We conducted an analysis of information flows by the method of cognitive mapping in the SM sphere using the above-mentioned theories adapted to our tasks, developed and filled out a matrix, which was subsequently analyzed in the SPSS Statistics program, on the basis of which technologies for the formation of foreign policy agenda of Belarusians were studied. The social network “VKontakte” served as the Internet platform for this work, since, according to rating services and research it is the most popular and politicized in the Belarusian Internet segment.
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