Event: а contribution to philological and philosophicalexplanation
In this paper we study the essence of the phenomenon of events by comparing and confronting indications for us to give philological and philosophical analysis From a philological point of view, it is important that in the Russian language the word event is built on the basis of the word being, to be, which is fraught with philosophical meanings. Furthermore, the research shows that the "ontology" of events is inseparable from their "epistemology", which automatically co-establish the one who can be a witness to the event, which, in the next step, opens the prospect of the demarcation the process and an event, that is "visible" and "invisible" occurrences. The notion of presence (parousia) is especially important for understanding the essence of the notion of events. Finally, we consider the problem of eligibility of events as such to be called and treated as a phenomenon, and thus to be subject to the phenomenological analysis, which is the initial ambition of this research, which is followed in the most of his course. From the text it becomes clear that phenomenology is suitable for application to beings, which are relatively "static", while dynamic events may require serious adjustment of phenomenological theoretical paradigm.
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