On the question of the formation of the concept of “Orthodox civilization”
This article is devoted to the formation of the concept of “Orthodox civilization”, which is rarely mentioned in modern civilizational studies from the middle of the XIX to the beginning of the XXI centuries. It is assumed that it is possible to distinguish three periods of formation of this concept: prehistory to the release of the A.J. Toynbee's multi-volume book “A Study of History”; domination Toynbee's version of the theory of local civilizations; highlighting the pair “Eastern Christian-Orthodox” civilization, collision with the concept of “Russian civilization”, controversy with S.P. Huntington's approach in the Russian-speaking academic environment. The article focuses on such aspects of the study of the Orthodox civilization as territorial development, the civilizational role of Orthodoxy in politics and culture, as well as the comparison of the terms “Orthodox”, “Eastern Christian” and “Russian civilization”. The author concludes that the concept of Orthodox civilization is not well-established and is often replaced by other concepts, in particular “Russian civilization”. However, the very existence of this concept is connected with the need to take into account the civilizational role of Orthodoxy not only as a distinctive feature of one civilization from a number of others, but also as a factor that has influenced the political and cultural development within its civilizational area.
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