Philosophical and anthropological assumptions of A. N. Aksakov and A. M. Butlerov in the research of mediumship
Describing the mediumistic activities of Alexander M. Butlerov and Alexander N. Aksakov, the questions that are raised about the events of their unusual part of life associated with the study of mediumistic phenomena still cause many diverse philosophical and anthropological disputes. In this article, we pose one of these questions, namely, how to solve the methodological difficulties in how to interpret or understand mediumship, which is the focus of attention of the researchers presented in the text. The overwhelming rejection of mediumship and the nature of the reaction of representatives of various fields of knowledge in the 19th century suggest that the phenomena described by Aksakov and Butlerov were not so much the result of a crisis of faith as the cause of a crisis of evidence, the consequences of which went beyond purely scientific and religious.
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