The dialogue of half a century: to the history of the relationshipbetween Yakov Polonsky and Afanasy Fet-Shenshin
In the history of philosophy and the history of intellectual culture the nineteenth century is much more thoroughly studied than the previous centuries, but much remains outside the actual space of historical memory, or is catalogued with a certain disciplinary conventionality. Whole-thinking Russian intellectuals who thought comprehensively are often forgotten or covered by mythical mists. Such is Yakov Petrovich Polonsky. The study of Polonsky's creative and intellectual biography seems relevant, since the poet's personality and its significance in the development of the 19th century philosophical thought have not been examined to this day. However, Polonsky is one of the links in the chain of Russian thinkers of his time. Fet, Grigoriev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev and many others were friends with him. This work actualizes the problem of the relationship between Polonsky and Fet-Shenshin, as their communication was closer and longer than with any other contemporary. The views of both poets on the essence of poetic creativity were revealed, the disagreements in the field of translation problems were clarified, and the personal relationship to the outlook positions of Tolstoy was concretized. The cultural and philosophical context of the formation of creative and worldly individuality of Polonsky and Fet was outlined, as well as the way of transformation of their views on the example of the last personal meeting of the poets in Fet's Vorobyovka in 1890.
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