Ethical and philosophical meanings of suicide in Russian philosophy of the 19th century (to the reflections of A. F. Koni)
The article presents some of the results of the philosophical attitudes of the Russian lawyer and publicist A.F. Koni in his consideration of suicide and the problem of the "epidemic" of suicides in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. In addition to the analysis of published articles by A.F. Koni – "Suicide in law and life" and other works of a sociological, historical and philosophical nature, the archival materials of the ethical and pedagogical manuscript are also involved. The specificity of A.F. Koni to the problem of suicide is installed, which, on the one hand, is based on legal practice, and on the other, is closely associated with the moral and practical side of life and has a deep philosophical reflection at its foundation.
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