Platon (Levshin)'s incorporation of the concept of "piety" in the socio-political life of Russian society in the second half of the 18th century
The present article is devoted to the formation of the conceptual and ethical concept of "piety" and its representation in the socio-political life of the Russian society in the second half of the 18th century. Based on the philosophical analysis of the texts of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin), it is shown that the worldview layer of Russian society of this historical period was formed in socio-philosophical discourse, through ideological integration and personal epigram. In his works, Platon (Levshin) opposes the liberal views of "Western" philosophers and forms an alternative, based on religious and philosophical theories, philosophical and anthropological system, the key position of which is the ideal state and ethical image of the individual. The main tasks of the study of this issue are to clarify the content of the key concepts of the philosophical and theological heritage of Platon (Levshin).
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