DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2021-7-3-0-5

Patriotism as a foundation for the creative development of man and culture

The relevance of the problem of evaluation of patriotism is determined by the discussion about the advisability of proclaiming it as a national idea of Russia. Opponents of this concept see in it the transformation of a person into an obedient tool of the state, a rejection of free creativity and improvement. There is a socio-ideological conflict that needs to be resolved. Based on the logical-philosophical approach, historical, comparative method, we come to the following. Negative assessments of patriotism are based on a false interpretation of the concept of Motherland. With an adequate understanding of it as a spiritual substance possessing the quality of the highest value, it becomes clear that patriotism is love for the spirit, which requires a person to do spiritual and moral work, use their creative potential, independence of thought, striving to improve their culture. The spirituality of patriotism denies selfishness and contempt for both oneself and representatives of other peoples and cultures. History shows that the multi-thousand-year development of mankind has passed under the banner of patriotism. The rejection of the patriotic idea leads the individual and the people to a dead end. It can be concluded that creativity and development are hardly possible without patriotism.

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