Integrated trope nature of children's considerations
The article deals with the cases of combining trope means in children's speech. Children's utterances are interesting not only from the point of view of phonetic, grammatical features, but also are of extraordinary value in the system of lexical means, in terms of the use of means of expression. The originality of children's statements is that extraordinary poetic images are used in colloquial speech, a trope symbiosis, the purpose of which in the ontogenesis of speech is to convey a thought to an adult, to a child's interlocutor, to explain an object, phenomenon, etc. with the help of metalogical speech. Expressiveness in children's speech is also achieved with the help of stylistic figures. As a hypothesis of the present work is the assumption that children's speech acts as a means of linguocreative thinking: speech is poetic, it has an expressive potential; trope means are intertwined and contaminated in it. The prevailing trend of our time – the anthropocentric approach to the process of obtaining and functioning knowledge about the world – allows us to consider the formation of a language personality within the framework of the paradigm of visual and expressive means of language, allows us to analyze the process of mastering cognitive representations of the world, communicative competence more accurately and effectively.
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