The mental foundations of bodily images creation in primitive art
The paper considers the motivating reasons for the emergence of artistic and creative human activity in the course of anthropogenesis. The object of the study was the social environment that formed the images of paleo art, first mental images, and then the images embodied in sculpture and cave painting. The work is undertaken in order to identify the psycho-physiological and social prerequisites for the emergence of these images. The article analyzes the mental foundations of creativity and the psycho-physiological "mechanism" of the creative act itself. To identify the socio-historical prerequisites of image-making, the stages of the formation of a dual-generic organization from a primitive herd are considered in detail. As a result, the reason for the emergence of a sexual taboo was revealed, which eventually served as an impetus for the emergence of dominant images of art – a woman and a beast. The approach to the study of these images and the reasons for their appearance is new in this work. On the basis of hypothetical modeling, the social environment of a primitive community is recreated, in which a taboo arises at a certain stage. It was the system of prohibitions that caused the emergence of morality and conscious creativity. The curbing of animal instincts "awakened the imagination" and, in the end, was sublimated into images of art.
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