DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2021-7-4-0-7

The main ideas of reading the Church history of Southwestern Russia in the Ukrainian Diaspora in the second half of the 1980s.

The subject of this study is the views of historians from the Ukrainian diaspora on the church history of Southwestern Russia, which were reflected in the materials of the Scientific Congress of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia-Ukraine (Munich, April-May 1988). The materials of the Congress became a kind of result of the development of the church historiography of the diaspora and were of great importance for the formation of the worldview of scientists in Ukraine in the conditions of the fall of the ideological barrier and the formation of an independent state. With the help of historical-typological and ideographic methods, the main ideas of historians of the Ukrainian diaspora concerning the issues of understanding the role and place of the Church in the past and present of the region are highlighted. The undertaken analysis allows us to identify the ideological foundations of various trends in modern Ukrainian historiography concerning church history. Attempts to substantiate a separate historical line of the church of the South-West and to contrast it with the Christian tradition of Northern Russia are considered. The author traces the desire of historians of the diaspora to find the historical roots of “Kievan Christianity” in the epochs preceding the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles. The author substantiates the conclusions that historians from the diaspora resorted to a free interpretation of historical facts in order to substantiate the initially given idea.

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