DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2021-7-4-0-9

Ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people in ethnographic studies of Uzbekistan in the years of independence

After the establishment of their independent state, almost all the peoples of the world, freed from colonial rule, strive to restore and spread the culture of their peopleю The study of the history of the origin of the people becomes especially relevant. Although many peoples of the world have come to an agreement on the issue of ethnogenesis, in some regions this problem has not yet been scientifically resolved. Like the Kazakh, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Tajik, and Karakalpak peoples of Central Asia, the stages of ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people cover a complex historical process. After Uzbekistan gained independence, local researchers have published many scientific works on the ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Uzbek people. Scientific research conducted by historians and ethnographers, archaeologists, source specialists, anthropologists, and linguists have led to different approaches and views on the problem. During the years of independence, researchers set themselves the task of studying the origins of the Uzbek people, the process of formation, the history of development and changes in the history of the nation. Various concepts and scientific theses on the ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people have been put forward by local historians, but have caused scientific controversy and debate. Discussions on this issue are still ongoing. The article summarizes the study of the issue of ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people in the ethnographic research of Uzbekistan during the years of independence.

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