Politics and law in the philosophy of G. A. Landau (polemic with L. I. Petrazhitsky)
The article analyzes the early period of the intellectual biography of the philosopher of the Russian diaspora Grigory Adolfovich Landau (1877-1941). The cultural-historical and socio-political preconditions for his original concept of "systematic philosophy" are revealed. Special attention is paid to the polemics of G.A. Landau with the conceptual principles of the philosophy of law of L.I. Petrazhitsky. The author carries out the idea that in Landau's text “On the Politics of Law. On the History of Applied Sciences”, the problems of not only the politics of law, but also ethics, ontology, epistemology, teleology and the theory of the ideal associated with it, are touched upon, the development of which is devoted to the later period of his work.
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The research is carried out at expense of RFBR, project No. 20-011-00884 «Philosophy of Culture of Russian Abroad: G.P. Fedotov, V.V. Weidle, G.A. Landau, P.M. Bicilli»