Religious and cultural motivation behind geographical discoveries of the New Time: the voyages of Christopher Columbus
The article deals with the issue of religious and cultural grounding of geographical discoveries of the New Time on the example of the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Columbus and the spiritual and religious motivation behind his voyages that led to the discovery of the New World are presented as a key figure. The religious and cultural approach allows us to take a new look at the role of illusiveness in the geographical representations of the period, to outline the productive role of imagination in the construction of geographical strategies of world discovery. A comparative analysis of the religious and cultural principles of polytheism in its various incarnations and the Christian worldview shows, using the example of Columbus, the spiritual significance and productivity of Christianity, which gives all its inner content an impetus to the expansion of knowledge, including the geographical exploration of the spatial world. The historical documents of the era of Columbus's voyages allow us to see and understand the adverse spiritual and moral consequences of the policy of conquest of new lands as a consequence of the distortion of the Christian system of values.
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