Linguopragmatic and linguocultural aspects of a children's folklore text
The article is devoted to studying the language of the children’s folklore texts from a linguapragmatism and linguaculturology standpoints. Research attention is focused on the dominant genre of children's folklore – the lullaby, as well as situationally related to it folk conspiracy. The analysis of the communicative process in the transmission of folklore texts allows us to imagine how the "program" of the future happy life of the child is created and through what channels the characteristics of the national picture of the world are "transmitted" to the infant. The genre peculiarities of the texts are positive communicative intensions and a specific kind of informative value. Preserving deep historical ties between generations and the continuity of their cultural priorities and values, children's folklore genres convey spiritual, moral and aesthetic values as the results of knowledge of the world, fixed in the language images and communicative experience of man.
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