Historical and cultural memory as a condition for preserving national identity
The article is devoted to the concept of memory as a historical, philosophical and cultural phenomenon that ensures the continuity of the cultural heritage of human society, its perception, understanding and influence on the development of subsequent generations. It is the most important factor in preserving the national identity of any people, ethnos, state within the framework of globalization, the continuity of cultural and historical development, as all innovative processes are associated with this development. Cultural memory acts as a condition of historical continuity, as an "organic system", as a mechanism for preserving the past in the present. The article touches upon the problems of memory as a tool in the construction of personal identity, the sphere of collective, social and cultural memory. Cultural memory is connected with history, implies the continuity of intellectual, spiritual, moral life of a person, society as a whole. Hence, there are many problems associated, for example, with such a concept as "historical memory": insufficient knowledge of the history of one's family, homeland, distortion of historical events and their consequences (this is what we are seeing today in Ukraine); destruction of cultural and historical heritage; dissemination of anti-patriotic ideas, etc. The author tried to reveal the phenomenon of memory culture, its connection, and the impact on the development of the individual, society and the state.
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