Semantic foundations of cultural values in the mirror of Socrates' mayeutics (on the example of the dialogue “Lakhet”)
The article examines the semantic foundations of values that define cultural norms and patterns, as well as the culturality of the person himself, his identity. It is argued that reflection on personal identity consists in distinguishing between the authenticity and the imaginary of one's own existence through reflection on traditional values. Such reflection was a mayeutics, an ontological procedure in its essence, helping the birth of human virtues. The analysis of the dialogue "Lakhet", the participants of which are trying to define courage, allows us to identify the apophatic integrity of the semantic content of traditional values. Such a value, on the one hand, has an intuitive self-evidence that allows you to recognize courageous actions. On the other hand, it carries the possibility of different interpretations, giving priority to certain substantive features. However, such interpretations are not able to contain the full meaning of the value and conceptual certainty can lead to distortion of its content. The conceptualisation of value aims at juxtaposing the concreteness of human existence and the universal horizon of human existence.
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The research was supported financially by the Russian Science Foundation, Research Project No. 22-28-20292 «Works of fine art in the urban space of culture as a factor in the formation of local identity».