Semantics of sin (on the history and ontological status of the concept)
The article examines various disciplinary and research aspects of the concept of sin, actualizes the problem of historicism of this concept, its ontological rootedness in the experience of Christian thinking. The prerequisites of various dictionary-semantic reconstructions of the concept of sin in the academic publications of Max Vasmer, Oleg Trubachev, Vladimir Dal, Vladislav Sherdakov, etc. are specified. The ethical and ontological mood of the concept in everyday Russian speech is clarified, where it is used to denote misconduct, guilt, debauchery outside of direct connection with the law and the will of the Creator of the world. It is argued that the concept of sin can be classified as ontologically crucial primarily in Christian thinking; it is closely connected here with the study of human nature and human personality, the categories of salvation and redemption. In this regard, the semantics of the concept in the New Testament corpus of biblical works (the Gospels and the Epistles of the Apostle Paul) are systematically presented; representative examples from patristic literature are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the new diagnostic, practice-oriented classifications of sin proposed by Russian thinkers of the XIX-XX centuries – St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), Archimandrite Evtikhian (Lestev), Archimandrite Ioann (Krestyankin).
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