Color systems as representatives of color categories
Color systems have a rich history and are widely used in industry, art and science, but philosophical and cultural studies of color are not sufficiently presented. The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of color representation in the form of a color system. The author considers the concepts of “representation” and “categorization” as key operations to identify relationships between color categories, thereby providing the basis for the formation of a color system. The results of the analysis of the author's color systems and modern color spaces are presented in the context of the cultural and historical development of society. The connection between the perceptual and nominative aspects of the category of color is shown on the examples of studies of color names in Russian and English. By considering various color systems, it has been established that visual representation is a complex process of understanding the color categories, which results in a certain geometric representation of the relationship between colors of various origins: paints, dyes, and electromagnetic radiation. Visual representatives have evolved due to qualitative changes in the subject and object of cognition. On the one hand, the form and content of color systems changed due to the subject’s historical and social development. On the other hand, the emergence of new shades, as well as development of visualization systems in technology and color printing have contributed to the change of the form and content of color systems.
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The research was supported financially by the Russian Science Foundation, Research Project No. 22-18-00407 "Cognitive culturology of color: development of the scientific foundations for the formation of the coloristics of the cultural landscape."