Loss of information privacy in social networks and the problem of context collapse
The article describes the features of a new type of communication in social networks, which provide an opportunity for interactive communication and self-presentation to a wide audience. An urgent problem of social networks is the fact that in an attempt to gain public recognition the user has to pay for information privacy –the loss of control over access to their personal data. In contrast to the early period of the development of the Internet space, which was characterized by anonymity, nowadays it is necessary to appear more and more often under the real name. Social networks encourage the willingness to share information about oneself, but unlike offline communication, where one interacts with a limited number of people, sees their reactions and is guided by the context of communication, in social networks there is often a situation of context collapse: an intentional or accidental mixing of heterogeneous audience segments, which can lead to misunderstanding and conflicts. As a result of the technical features of social networks, the boundaries of space and time are blurred, when the archived content unexpectedly pops up in the present with consequences unpredictable for the individual. Therefore, despite the benefits of content collapse, such as the ability to create "weak ties" – contacts in wider social circles, users should exercise some caution when disclosing personal information.
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