Nikolay Strakhov as a critic: today’s lessons
The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon of Nikolay Strakhov as a critic, namely, the unique breadth of coverage of the material combined with the depth of analysis, a benevolent attitude towards writers and a high degree of responsibility towards Russian national literature. This is demonstrated using examples from the works of Nikolay Strakhov, little involved in the usual citation. It is thought that the qualities of the critic were due to the fact that Nikolay Strakhov was not only an outstanding critic, but also an outstanding philosopher. His attitude to man, empiricism, death, poetry – to everything that he studied, was truly philosophical. This is shown on the materials of various articles by N. Strakhov. Analogies are made with contemporary critical literature, emphasizing its philosophical message, but it is said that there are no generalizing works of Strakhov's level.
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