The potential of a teleological approach to solving the problem of anthropocultural complexity
Sociocultural reality can be seen as the result of an increase in complexity. Complexity includes stages of biological, cultural and technological development. At present, organized sets of diverse nature are growing exponentially. This growth takes on the character of proliferation, "excessive growth." One can observe the transformation of ideas about the goals of human existence. Anthropological threats to the growth of diversity are caused by the formation of ecosystems of complex sociocultural forms and virtualization processes. The purpose of the article is to comprehend the ontological and anthropological perspectives of human complication in relation to the stages of the growth of diversity and complex sociocultural systems, using a teleological approach for this. The teleological approach, updated on the basis of the typologization of goals, makes it possible to make a forecast about which sociocultural phenomena contribute to productive complication, and which lead to proliferation and crisis. As a result of the study, it was found that a person creates an ecosystem of complex socio-cultural forms. These forms claim to be active subjects, often remaining simulacra of true subjectness. Under the conditions of virtualization, there is a transformation of human dimension, there is a proliferation of "virtual worlds". They can be considered as a way of representing human nature in new conditions. Such a representation easily provokes a rejection of the reality of the object and the rigor of thinking in favor of the unconditional primacy of the subject, total pluralism and relativity. These tendencies exacerbate sociocultural proliferation and threaten the fragmentation of sociocultural constants.
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