Technogenic civilization and new forms of inequality
The author draws attention to the change in the social structure of society, the emergence of new social groups and forms of employment, which is characteristic of technogenic civilization. Negative aspects of the use of modern technologies are noted (such as the possibility of total state control, a change in society's attitude to the privacy of personal information, the transformation of economic and labor relations, the transformation of specialist skills, desocialization). Hidden negative aspects are pointed out – increasing inequality from legal, social, economic, moral – to anthropological, biological and genetic, as well as the emergence of an even more dangerous and new form of inequality associated with access to the latest effective technologies and the commercialization of services based on biotechnology. The emergence of the precariat as one of the modern forms of labor inequality is investigated. The question is raised about the person's perception of the pace of socio-technological transition and the adaptation of this economic structure to a new reality.
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