DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2022-8-3-0-11

Human understanding (toward a hermeneutic of the norm)

Human understanding of many phenomena and appearances depends, first of all, on experience of the self and understanding of the self. Through this starting point we lay the foundations of our attitudes towards the environment. Insufficient analysis of experience (presented in this article as platform perception) can call into question the correctness (by correctness I understand everything that is in tune with objective logic, but also something that is useful in a positive (good) sense – a good intention followed by a good process and a good result) of one's understanding of normality. However, the thing that can be confusing in trying to understand the modern concept of normality is the well-known fact that it covers two different categories – what is usual and what is correct. The usual is not necessarily correct, and the correct is not necessarily usual. The relativizer of normality is the ever-present possibility of its change. Normality and non-normality not only influence each other, but are also conditioned by each other. Together they essentially constitute an understood and evaluated known physical reality. The changeability of human understanding, needs, attitudes, assessments, as well as change of circumstances affect the transformation of normality. The article discusses, among other things, the difference between the normal as a subject and an object. The consideration of these problems was approached from a multidisciplinary aspect, mainly relying on sociological, philosophical and psychological sources.

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