Trust in the subject in the discourse of religious experience (boundary hermeneutics)
In the article, the author shows the importance of reviving attention to religious experience not only as a practice of personal salvation, but also as a discourse. Religious experience, if viewed this way, can be authentically included into the scientific paradigm of modernity, and therefore contribute to overcoming the alienation of religious tradition from personal and public life, from science, which results from classical formulations of authenticity, objectivity, truth, etc. of the knowledge obtained. The author presents his idea of a discourse that can reveal the boundary hermeneutics and satisfy the research interest in the unity of the interpreted meaning and the over-meaningful "experience", "word" and "event", i.e., to such an understanding of religious experience that will be as close as possible to the religious tradition. In this article, the emerging topic of the boundaries of cognition, its ultimate foundations is viewed through the prism of changes in the methodological status of "subject-object relations", which is being transformed today due to the increasing actualization of the principle of trust in the subject.
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