DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2022-8-4-0-8

Hyperinflation of feelings in a singularity society

The article examines in detail the concept of the "society of singularities" formulated by the German sociologist Andreas Reckwitz based on the analysis of the historical genesis of the late modern society, as well as its most significant components in their social dimension. Particular attention is paid to the study of the phenomenon of "hyperinflation of feelings", which massively manifested in the social space of the "society of singularities" – its causes, its manifestations, its operating mechanisms. The results of the study identify and analyze the origins of the antagonism of the social logic of the former society of mass consumption and the new logic of the society of singularities, which gave rise to a number of new problems that arose as a result of a radical change in approaches to the organization of the very structure of the cultural system and priorities within the frames of basic social practices. As a prospective study, attention is drawn to social and cultural contradictions of a structural and functional nature, the resolution of which within the "society of singularities" is not yet possible.

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