The current state of multimodal analysis: on the question of the prospects of the method
The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the multimodal analysis method in the Russian research field. The author refers to the systematic literature review method (SLR), the procedure for which involves the precise formulation of the questions that such a review should answer, and the explanation of the sampling procedure, which makes the results reliable. Accordingly, the paper posed four research questions, the answers to which organize a complete SLR method: 1) the definition of multimodal analysis; 2) objects of the analysis; 3) analysis algorithms; 4) the meaning of the method in the philosophy of communication. To get answers to these questions, the author conducted a search in for the period 2018-2022 and compiled a database of 16 articles, which became the basis for generalized answers to the questions. The result of the study: 1) the researchers avoid giving a clear definition of the method; 2) the method is applied to an unlimitedly wide range of media phenomena and facts of communication; 3) there is no clear protocol for applying the method or it is applied fragmentarily; 4) the main significance of the method is considered as the instrumentalization of the analysis of indivisible media phenomena. The author concludes that it is necessary to revise the procedures of multimodal analysis to increase the efficiency of its application and overcome interpretative subjectivity.
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