Theatrical performance and the search for its authenticity
The relevance of the study is due to the fundamental nature of the problems that intersect in the phenomenon of theatrical performance. Among them, the holiday itself, which is one of the fundamental cultural phenomena that accompanies a person at all stages of his/her cultural development, from inception to the present. At the heart of the representation is performativity, which J. Heisinga elevates to the rank of human-creating categories. Also crucial to representation is such a basic human and cultural phenomenon as play. It is regrettable to note that despite the importance of theatrical performance for understanding contemporary culture, the study of this phenomenon finds itself on the periphery of research interest. The methodological basis of the study was the work of A. Badiou and his concept of the event-truth. A. Badiou's concept of inaesthetics gives us grounds for the existence of a connection between truth and theatrical performance. The problem of representation is reformulated in the categories of event, truth and subject of truth. Consideration of the performance as an event-truth allowed us to define the theatrical performance as an independent phenomenon of urban culture, which has its own specificity, manifested in a special chronotope, connection with the sacred, as well as with the event-truth.
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