DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2023-9-1-0-12

Concert for balalaika of the beginning of the 21th century. The principles of the genre development, compositional and ideological-dramatic features on example of concerts by A. Marchakovsky, E. Podgaits, V. Belyaev

The object of research of the article is a concert for balalaika, created at the beginning of the 21th century. In the modern cultural and educational context, a deep study of the popular works of modern authors for professional and novice performers on the balalaika becomes relevant, which will contribute to improving the level of intellectual and performing culture of musicians, promoting performance on a folk instrument, popularizing worthy examples of musical art. The aim of the work is to identify the fundamental features of dramatic development, compositional solutions and stylistic embodiment of previously unexplored instrumental concerts for balalaika. The article gives a brief analysis of the achievements of the concert genre of the previous century, identifies the leading composers of the turn of the 20-21th centuries, soloists-balalaika, who played an important role in the formation of the concert, identifies the researchers of the genre. The subjects of research of this work are three concerts by contemporary authors for balalaika – Alexander Marchakovsky, Efrem Podgaits, Vladimir Belyaev. A number of tasks are solved in the work: the main characteristic structural tendencies of the works are identified, a detailed analysis of the form, compositional and dramatic techniques used by the composers is given, the principles of thematic development, the features of the modern tonal and lado-harmonic style of concerts are determined. The level of the performing and intellectual culture of the soloist and orchestra, the artistic potential of the balalaika, the possibility of creating concerts for orchestral compositions of symphonic and folk instruments of different timbre content are noted. As a result of the analysis of the works, the main trends in the development of the genre are revealed, an individual compositional and dramatic solution in the embodiment of the author's thought emphasizes the uniqueness and attractiveness of the concert genre, in which the image of the Russian folk instrumental culture of the present time is manifested through the interaction of figurative and semantic and dramatic concepts.

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